WOW! These past two weeks have been a real doozy for us here in Mayberry! With Christmas, photo shoots, birthdays, spend the nights and so on it's been nearly impossible for me to get post in edge wise! So much has happened! :D But I, despite my excitement--will try to break it down for you! :D
Well, first off I guess I should address the strange weather we've been having.
Yea, mid December (can it be MID December already?!) and it feels like FALL! Oh yea, some of the trees still have their autumn leaves! 0_0 However, yesterday it was ridiculously cold! It finally felt like winter! But today it's warmed back up and the sun's come out. :(
I don't like cold weather at all--I got that little trait from my father--but when it's Christmas time I want it to feel like winter...not fall! Oh well, maybe it'll cool down again.
Speaking of's THIRTEEN DAYS TILL PEOPLE! I can't believe it! 0_0 But, I just don't feel like it's Christmas!!! I know...stupid...but for some reason I just can't get in the Christmas spirit. Huh, maybe I need to listen to more Christmas music--and STOP worrying about college!
College starts the second week of January. So I've got about a month. But my books still need to be ordered and I'm still nervous. However, the more I talk to people who are going to my new college the less scared I get.
I'm not so scared about flunking out--though that is a BIG fear too--I'm only taking three classes this year (due to this being my first full time semester and my first time on a campus) but I'm still worried. :( Pray for me!
I've also been trying to grow in my faith. This past year I've really slipped in that area. I haven't done anything 'bad'--but I just feel I've strayed from God. I haven't been paying attention to him as I should have. My relationships have really been showing this. I haven't been the sister, daughter and friend I should have been. But I want to do better--I really do. So forgive me family and friends for all the crap I've put you through! I must have been so awful! God's working on me and I'm trying my best to work with him! :) It's so wonderful to have such an amazing God! :D
I'm still working on my books. I'm doing a fourth rewrite of Book One and I hope to have it ready for publishing by 12/21/14--let's hope it does well! :D
I've been watching a lot of the Andy Griffith show lately. It's a really wonderful show (for those who didn't know) and I love it! However, it's so sad to see how far our country's focus has shifted. It makes me sick to see a portion of the ideals of the sixties and then compare it to the ideals of today. Ugh...depressing.
But anyway, shifting back to happy mode, my favorite character would HAVE to be Gomer Pyle! He's just so precious and sweet! :D AAAAWWWW! And he can REALLY sing!
That's really Jim Nabors voice! 0_0 WOWZA!! :D
But anway, onto my busy week.
Our week started out pretty busy--with my brother's good friend AJ coming over to spend the night.
Yep, the weekend was spent guzzling down Doctor Pepper, Pizza and chocolate--which was a HORRIBLE temptation for my newly started diet! (I've gained about ten pounds and I want to loose it before the holidays!)
But the boys had so much fun! However, I'm afraid they were both REALLY worn out by the end of it! They stayed up until THREE playing Call of Duty! YIKES! 0_0
Sunday we took AJ home--but not before stopping at a local tree farm to get our Chrima tree! Yep! We FINALLY got a tree! But, when we got there it was nearly dark--so we sorta got one and ran! Poor AJ--he didn't know he was going to be put to work! 
That's my mom--hurrying away from the camera. Love ya, mom! :D
But long story short--we got a tree! It's a really nice tree and we are all happy with it! :D
There was a mom's meeting Monday--so my awesome friend's Hannah and Jessie got to come over! :D Sadly--poor Hannah couldn't stay :'(. Jessie and I really missed you Hannah!
Jessie and I had a lot of fun with my brother though! We watched this show called Oddities and--to be frank--made fun of it. I mean....AAAHHHHH! That show freaked Jessie and me out SO bad--but at the same time had us on the floor laughing!
But all kidding aside...that show is pretty creepy sometimes. I'm not sure what's scarier--the merchandice in the store or the mental house escapees that wander into it!
Also, Hannah has introduced me to this game called Sims Freeplay! It's a great fact I'm in addicted to it! Yea...major time waster there! I've spent hours playing that game instead of working on my book! I hate you now Hannah!
I'm sure the fasination phase will wear off soon though--as it usually does with me and new games. Let's hope!
The next thing on our agenda was our friend's Jacob and James's birthday! Their birthdays are both in December so Mrs. Rita just has their party on the same day. Makes sense in my opinion! :)
This year they had a big birthday bash at a local restaurant (same place I had my grad party! Need to post pics of that!). It was great! We got a chance to meet some of their family that we hadn't met before and, best of all, we got to hang out with our amazing friends! :D
Everything was really well put together (congrats to Mrs. Rita!) and the boys seemed to be really enjoying themselves! :D I can hardly believe that the boys are 18 and 16! WOW!!!!!!! 0_0 You are both growing up SO fast! *Sniff* :(
Well, the day after the birthday (yesterday!) I had a photo shoot! Yep, I've been averaging about one to two of these a week now! :D I'm so happy! :D I love hanging out with Mrs. Johnnie and Mr. King! :D They are both such amazing and sweet people! And Mr. King gives us chocolate! Also NOT good for my diet! LOL!
So far I've had three shoots this month. One at my future college, one at a local air field (my pic from that at the top ^) and finally Callaway Gardens!
OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!! *Screams and runs around the room* I LOVE Callway! :D I hadn't been there in years! Last time I went was with some old friends back when I was thirteen or twelve. Ahhh, happy memories! :D
But anyway, yesterday I got to go back with Mrs. Johnnie and Mr. King! We didn't get to go to ALL of Callway--but we went to some of the choice places! My fav was the Chapel! I LOVE that place! I've even considered getting married there--should I ever get married! :D
We also stopped at the horticulture center so we could all get some flower pictures! :D I have loads of pics I'd love to show you--but I doubt you'd want to scroll through hundreds of pics. So I just picked out a few favs!
They had a poinsettia tree! :) How pretty! :D
This was where the orcids were! It was really warm in there! We didn't complain was really nice to be warm after treking around in the cold air!
I have a better pic of this flower but it wouldn't load. Hum...bad computer!
Look! A bear! :D They had a polar bear and three penguins ice skating at the entrance! HOW CUTE!! :D
Callaway wasn't our only stop yesterday! We managed to stop by and old bank that was REALLY cool for a quick photo op and a really pretty church! Also, Mr. King treated us to lunch at this very nice cafe`! The food was excellent (I was good, I only had a salad!) and the bread bakery (they had a bakery/cafe`) smelled even better! :D Mr. King bought a loaf of--I believe--Cranberry bread while Mrs. Johnnie took some pictures of the town and I talked to a very nice young man who worked there! ;D
But as a whole the day was awesome! I was so grateful to Mrs. Johnnie for letting me model for her! I just LOVE it! :D I hope we can go again really soon! :D
But this has been our first "slow" day all week long! Mr. Don (a family friend) is coming over for dinner tonight and--given all that we've been doing this week--means that this has been a slow day. :) Tomorrow, however, won't be slow!
Tomorrow I'm supposed to get my hair trimmed and re-layered and my sister is going to go to her first piano recital! :D
My little sister, Joannna, has given up dance to start piano and she's doing SO good! She's so much better than I ever was! *Hugs* for Jo Jo! :D
Tomorrow she will be playing 'O Little Town of Bethlehem'! She's really got the song down pack and I'm SO proud of her! I just hope she doesn't get nervous! Please pray that she'll do really well and feel confident about her new found ability! :D
Also, tomorrow is the offical release date for The Hobbit! :D
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!! I can hardly believe it! This time last year we were freaking out over the trailer for this movie--but now it's finally here! :D I can't wait to see it! I just hope it can live up to Lord of the Rings! :D We will see.
But I guess that's all for now! Mr. Don will be here in about an hour and I'll have to help get ready! Thanks so much for letting me spill my guts! It's been fun! So until next time!
This has been your busy and happy blogger,
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